I volunteered to do some phone banking tomorrow (March 15th) in support of Obama's Health Insurance Reform Package. I have other things I could be doing, but see this as something I need to do.
I'm not really thrilled at what I see as a "starter kit" that has been watered down to make points with allies of the Insurance, Drug and likely even the low-wage service sector; McDonalds, Wal-Mart, etc. But as Rick Smith said on his program today, it's better than what we have and could be a base to build on.
But I also see what the price of failure could be. The main one is the boost this will give to the obstructionists of the GOP, their media allies and of course, their followers. Limbaugh, Beck and their loyal teabaggers would see this, rightly so, as a major victory. The letdown this would give to the Democrats, especially the young people who don't seem to get that politics isn't an every four-year event, would likely set the stage for more obstructionist Republicans running and likely winning.
But perhaps the group who stand the most to gain from the defeat are corporations and their CEO's. As defeat of reform would be a demonstration of the power that corps hold. Through their support of the Tea Partiers, the town hall mobs, and advertising on programs like Beck and Limbaugh, combined with their newly expanded political power, other corporate interests could easily follow suit. Energy policy would be derailed by campaigns from the oil, natural gas, and auto industries. The low-wage service sector would put efforts into killing the Employee Free Choice Act.
So, I urge all of you, please check out Organizing For America, sign up for a phone bank etc. Do we really want to see Beck, Limbaugh and their corporate handlers win?
This was a nice para of price failure. i like it.
Lower Coyne Street,
Email: jfitzg3@eircom.net
Anti-Hare Coursing publication now a Free E Book
December 5th 2011
Dear Friends,
Just letting you know that my book Bad Hare Days, about the anti- hare coursing campaign in Ireland and its impact on the campaigners, is now available as a free e book.
I am hopeful that the book's wider availability will assist the campaign to abolish this medieval so-called "sport". There are many books promoting blood sports in shops and libraries, but this one promotes the campaign to protect the Irish Hare from the organized savagery of coursing clubs while also highlighting the sacrifices that campaigners have had to endure over the years for taking up this cause.
The national hare coursing organization in Ireland is politically well connected and very powerful. The coursing clubs affiliated to that organization will do anything to suppress opposition to the barbarism they promote.
But they fear the glare of publicity. Anyone seen with a camcorder at a hare coursing event is immediately ejected from the venue, and some would-be recorders of the truth about this blood sport have been assaulted before being forced to leave.
Pro-hare coursing contributors to Internet forums dealing with greyhound industry issues have attacked Bad Hare Days in the most vitriolic language, expressing outrage at its message and contents. All the more reason in my view to make the book as widely accessible as possible!
I hope that campaigners against the various forms of animal cruelty/exploitation in whatever country may find the book useful or of interest.
Bad Hare Days can be read or downloaded at either of the two links below and I'd be delighted if could you add this link to your website...or just pass on my message to another organization or campaigner for animals:
First link:
Alternative link:
I have a Facebook page devoted to this also at:
Many thanks for your attention and best wishes,
John Fitzgerald,
Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports,
Lower Coyne Street,
Email: jfitzg3@eircom.net
Anti-Hare Coursing publication now a Free E Book
December 5th 2011
Dear Friends,
Just letting you know that my book Bad Hare Days, about the anti- hare coursing campaign in Ireland and its impact on the campaigners, is now available as a free e book.
I am hopeful that the book's wider availability will assist the campaign to abolish this medieval so-called "sport". There are many books promoting blood sports in shops and libraries, but this one promotes the campaign to protect the Irish Hare from the organized savagery of coursing clubs while also highlighting the sacrifices that campaigners have had to endure over the years for taking up this cause.
The national hare coursing organization in Ireland is politically well connected and very powerful. The coursing clubs affiliated to that organization will do anything to suppress opposition to the barbarism they promote.
But they fear the glare of publicity. Anyone seen with a camcorder at a hare coursing event is immediately ejected from the venue, and some would-be recorders of the truth about this blood sport have been assaulted before being forced to leave.
Pro-hare coursing contributors to Internet forums dealing with greyhound industry issues have attacked Bad Hare Days in the most vitriolic language, expressing outrage at its message and contents. All the more reason in my view to make the book as widely accessible as possible!
I hope that campaigners against the various forms of animal cruelty/exploitation in whatever country may find the book useful or of interest.
Bad Hare Days can be read or downloaded at either of the two links below and I'd be delighted if could you add this link to your website...or just pass on my message to another organization or campaigner for animals:
First link:
Alternative link:
I have a Facebook page devoted to this also at:
Many thanks for your attention and best wishes,
John Fitzgerald,
Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports,
Lower Coyne Street,
Email: jfitzg3@eircom.net
Anti-Hare Coursing publication now a Free E Book
December 5th 2011
Dear Friends,
Just letting you know that my book Bad Hare Days, about the anti- hare coursing campaign in Ireland and its impact on the campaigners, is now available as a free e book.
I am hopeful that the book's wider availability will assist the campaign to abolish this medieval so-called "sport". There are many books promoting blood sports in shops and libraries, but this one promotes the campaign to protect the Irish Hare from the organized savagery of coursing clubs while also highlighting the sacrifices that campaigners have had to endure over the years for taking up this cause.
The national hare coursing organization in Ireland is politically well connected and very powerful. The coursing clubs affiliated to that organization will do anything to suppress opposition to the barbarism they promote.
But they fear the glare of publicity. Anyone seen with a camcorder at a hare coursing event is immediately ejected from the venue, and some would-be recorders of the truth about this blood sport have been assaulted before being forced to leave.
Pro-hare coursing contributors to Internet forums dealing with greyhound industry issues have attacked Bad Hare Days in the most vitriolic language, expressing outrage at its message and contents. All the more reason in my view to make the book as widely accessible as possible!
I hope that campaigners against the various forms of animal cruelty/exploitation in whatever country may find the book useful or of interest.
Bad Hare Days can be read or downloaded at either of the two links below and I'd be delighted if could you add this link to your website...or just pass on my message to another organization or campaigner for animals:
First link:
Alternative link:
I have a Facebook page devoted to this also at:
Many thanks for your attention and best wishes,
John Fitzgerald,
Campaign for the Abolition of Cruel Sports,
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